Download linkedin resume app

Whether you're applying for jobs from your desktop or mobile device, you've likely used LinkedIn's Easy Apply option. After all, you can apply for a job with just a few clicks. Warning: this is not the best job search strategy It doesn't matter if you apply from your phone or your computer: LinkedIn will automatically save your most recent resume submissions.

With a little know-how, you can quickly download your resume from LinkedIn's mobile app. This guide will walk you through it. Once you've applied for a job using LinkedIn's Easy Apply, you'll automatically be able to access the resume you uploaded to LinkedIn next time. Tap on the Easy Apply button like you're going to apply to the job. Sometimes you have to hit "Next" to get to the screen with your resumes.

Your four most recent resumes will appear with the dates you last used them. Tap on the resume file you want to save. It should open on your phone. Now, tap on your phone's share icon. The picture and location will vary by phone type, but here are some common icons to look for:. Source: Fast Company. You'll have several options here, including saving your resume, emailing it, sending it as a text, and so on.

If you have a word processor on your phone like Google Docs or Microsoft Word you should also be able to send it there. You probably wanted to access your resume so you could send it to an employer or someone in your network while you're away from your computer. Now you can send your resume directly as an email or a text attachment. You can also use your resume across other popular job searching apps without opening your laptop.

Click OK. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Related wikiHows How to. How to. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: 3. Updated: October 9, Categories: LinkedIn. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 11, times.

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LinkedIn Optimization helps job seekers improve their LinkedIn profiles and makes them more visible to recruiters in their industry. How to Download a Resume from LinkedIn. Paige Liwanag. Click on the stars below to rate this article to help us improve the quality of our content.


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