Download magicdraw latest version
Collaboration Resolving Conflicting Changes Automatically in Merge Handle Merge conflicts more efficiently by tailoring the Merge behavior to your needs! Comparing memory consumption between different versions. Other Features Report Wizard Bookmark functions for creating Microsoft Word references and hyperlinks are now available. The problem of the Dependency Matrix template displaying incomplete allocated dependencies in Report Wizard has now been solved.
The direction of Item Flow can now be changed. Diagram validation is now faster in larger projects. The Transformation Wizard performance problems have been fixed. A new nested Instance is no longer created instead of being reused during the data import from Excel. Dialog overlapping no longer occurs when several dialogs are opened on MAC. MagicDraw Documentation MagicDraw News of earlier versions MagicDraw Project permissions are reset as well; the project is available only for a user who has cloned the project.
All references to used projects if there are any are maintained. In the current release, the collaboration working environment has been significantly improved. These include:. Beginning with version This means:. As of Version Simply drag the Excel or CSV file in any table to link it. No Magic is proud to present the Teamcenter Integration plugin. The Teamcenter Integration plugin includes the following features:. Teamcenter Integration plugin The Comment path is now displayed after dragging the Comment element from the Model Browser to the diagram pane when enabling the Display Paths on Element Drop option in the Environment Option dialog.
However, you will still be able to load projects created in earlier versions with this plugin in your modeling tool.
MagicDraw Documentation. Required: page refresh 5. Browse pages. A t tachments 36 Page History. Copy Page Tree. Full Width Normal Width. Log in. Advanced Menu. Skip to end of banner. Jira links. Go to start of metadata. Released on: July 2 , MagicDraw version MagicGrid Template. Two new project templates are available in this version. MagicGrid supports performing problem domain analysis as well as building the solution for the logical system design, from stakeholder needs elicitation and capturing to the logical system design verification and technical requirements specification for manufacturing.
The approach is thoroughly described in the MagicGrid Book of Knowledge , which will be available with the final version of The MagicGrid framework. Back to top. Support of Latest Standards. Search in Diagrams. How to use the Find feature in diagrams and navigate the search results. Live Hyperlinks to Elements in Text. The hyperlink to currentSpeed Property is added on the guard expression.
Jira links. Go to start of metadata. A chart comparing the opening time of Requirement Table having 7 standard columns with a different number of requirements.
Now you can copy and paste data times faster depending on the specific scenario. A chart comparing the Find operation speed in A chart comparing the Numbering operations speed in A chart comparing the element selection speed in The active validation of the model now takes less than a second 0.
A chart comparing the active validation speed after the project and diagram load in Profiling Changes in the UML 2. Profiling changes in the UML metamodel. A chart comparing merge memory consumption in different modeling tool versions. Charts comparing merge performance in Speed and Memory modes.
Charts comparing project load memory and speed improvements between different modeling tool versions. Three projects sizes ranging from 1M to 2M in Migration time is excluded because projects that had already been migrated were used for testing. TWC Save to Local In x, great attention is paid to the memory consumption and speed improvements. A chart comparing memory consumption when saving a TWC project as a local one between different modeling tool versions.
System Requirements RAM and disk space requirements have been updated taking into consideration different sizes of large models. Modeling and Infrastructure. Layers Based on Legends Diagrams can get extremely crowded as a model evolves. Filtering the diagram by the selected Legend item. Extracting the Port Types legend according to the elements displayed on the diagram as symbols. Presentation Mode You can now present diagrams in full screen without showing user interface components, such as as model browser, diagram palette, status bar, and toolbars.
Diagram in the enabled Presentation Mode. Elements to be synchronized can now be identified not only by their name, but also by element property or tag value. Direct relationships. From now on, you can import direct relationships between the source and target elements as easily as other elements. Relationship ends. When importing relationships between different elements, you can select a specific property or tag to identify the source and target end of the relationship.
The Jython 2. The Reader Edition is now available for all the x version modeling tools. Contact your sales executive to request the license. Discontinued Products The development of the following plugins is discontinued: Document Modeling Plugin Model-based reports. For more effective model publishing and reviewing on the web, use Cameo Collaborator. To create Views and Viewpoints diagrams using the modeling tool with no plugins installed, use the Cameo Collaborator Publisher plugin or the SysML plugin instead.
The DockBook Library Profile is no longer available. Methodology Wizard Plugin. QVT Plugin. Excel Import Plugin. CSV Import Plugin.
LieberLieber Embedded Engineer plugin. Project Element Counter plugin. MBSE plugin. Two-year SA contracts also available. Pattern Generator. Are you bored of the defining all methods that are defined in the interfaces your classes are realizing? Maybe you feel lazy to add tedious code of setters and getters? MagicDraw may do this for you. From version 6. You can write your own patters with Java or JPython also. Code Generation. You've constructed a detailed system design. Now it's time to begin coding.
And since MagicDraw also enables script creation for all major databases, database structure design has never been so easy. JavaDoc and other Custom Comments. MagicDraw can insert JavaDoc tags into method and attribute header comments during the source code generation. Programmer may also choose one of the four available comment styles and enter custom file header that is placed in the beginning of every source code file.
Code Engineering Sets. You may group classes together with their components into collections called "code engineering sets". The code engineering set helps you to keep your classes and source code synchronized.
You may reverse engineer or generate the code for a whole set at once. Also you may specify different properties for each code engineering set: location of the source code files and code generation properties.
Round-trip Engineering. Besides the source code generation and reverse engineering, MagicDraw allows parallel changes to the both source code and UML model. With the help of round-trip engineering technique, MagicDraw synchronizes those changes - new methods and attributes in the source code are added to the UML model and new items in the UML to the source code.
No Tool Specific Comments. Handful of the modeling tools in the marketplace generates source code from the UML 2. The problem is that in most cases the code contains various tool specific comments that cannot be changed nor deleted.
MagicDraw is not the case. Not any single character is inserted for the code generation synchronization. MagicDraw performs source code reverse engineering before the generation, in order to synchronize changes in the source code with the changes in the UML 2. Integration with leading Java IDEs. And don't worry about synchronization - leave that to us!
MagicDraw makes it easy to model all aspects of your system: requirements, static structure, deployment structure, activities, states, detailed action sequences, and much more. Support of Extendable UML 2.
If analyst or designer decides that he or she needs some new model element for instance specific class type for GUI components he or she may extend UML by adding its own stereotypes, constraints, tagged values and even new appearance of the model element in the diagram gif images can be attached to the specific stereotypes for a different display. Different fill colors and fonts may be used for this purpose as well.
Custom appearance for diagram elements can be defined using SVG or bitmap images. Whenever you are identifying use cases it is very convenient to associate a use case with an activity, sequence or some other diagram for a reference.
MagicDraw lets you to associate any kind of diagram with a use case, package, and subsystem - you may open it by simple double-click. Source Code Reverse Engineering. If you have lots of unknown source code and want to get an idea what's in there, the source code reverse engineering is exactly what you need. Model Analysis Facilities.
Consider you do have a huge OO model with lots of dependencies, large class hierarchies and would like to change method B in a class A. How do you know what elements of the model will be influenced? MagicDraw is here to help you! You may select any model element and find out all other elements classes, packages, etc. The dependency criteria also can be customized, it may be any combination of the following: association, inheritance, or realization relationship, class used as attribute type or operation parameter.
MagicDraw can find out all subclasses of the selected class and generate a new class diagram that shows the whole class hierarchy of derived classes. MagicDraw generates a package dependency diagram.
A list of packages is analyzed upon dependencies between contained classes. Quality assurance engineer usually uses automated testing tools. Nevertheless he or she needs to define a strategy for structural and functional tests. Use case diagram is a tool for the test modeling. JUnit pattern will create a framework for test classes. Benefits for the Technical Writer Eliminates tedious document preparation with automatic report generation.
With Jython you can easily customize reports to fit your internal standards. Image Generation. If you are writing a use case specification, technical design description or any other document that needs to be enriched by UML diagrams you don't need to complicate your life doing screen shots and pasting them in Microsoft Word or any other editor.
Different Fonts and Colors. MagicDraw lets you to customize the appearance of the model element. You can change the font, its size and color as well as the pen and fill colors of the model element displayed on the diagram.
You can have few predefined styles you can apply for one or more model elements. Every developer may instantly obtain the newest version of the model; everybody is allowed to work in parallel on its own part. No need to merge separate XMI files by hand. Simpler Configuration Management. All designs are stored in a single place, there are no more files that are scattered around in the network; changes can be introduced orderly and without conflicts. Controlled Access to Your Artifacts.
Different people in the project may have different access levels to the projects stored in the teamwork server repository.
Remote Access. No matter where you are, if you are connected to the Internet you may work with the model that is stored in the repository.
A project manager may provide read only or full access to the repository for the overseas developers, customers, subcontractors, management, and other interested parties. Better Software Documentation. Developers can produce instant screenshot of the current code using reverse engineering of Java, Java Bytecode, C ,. Flexible pricing schema, volume discounts. Biggest bang per buck - wise alternative. Upgrade to a new version is just a fraction of the cost for existing customers.
New versions and bug fixes are published every quarter and are available for a fixed cost maintenance contract. Price Scalability. No matter what hardware and OS your developers have, it is very likely that MagicDraw can run on it. Team communication is better when members discuss their designs using UML diagrams.
After all, "A picture is worth a thousand words. Shorter Software Development Lifecycle. MagicDraw's CASE feature saves you time and resources by automating the otherwise manual work of writing code framework.
Moreover, your software developers can go back and forth from model to code using round-trip engineering features - your team won't incur the burden of dramatic code changes. Zachman Framework Free Free Free Free The Zachman Framework is a formal and highly structured way of viewing and defining an enterprise from different perspectives.
Model Validation X X X X Validation checks the model for correctness and completeness, displays errors in the model and suggests solutions. Dependency matrix X X X X Allows you to create, analyze, and modify relations between model elements.
Relation map X X X X Use a relation map diagram to review and analyze relations between the elements of the whole model, and specify dynamic scope for the relation map. Traceability 1 X X X X Track, visualize, navigate, and analyze the elements involved in the traceability relations. Model comparison X X Compare projects, analyze comparison result, and generate a project comparison differences report. Metrics X X Track the evolution of model development, obtaining the numerical evaluation of a particular aspect of it e.
Analysis of element usages and dependencies X X X X Track and analyze element usages and dependencies in models, and understand the relationships between used and dependent elements. Element usage in diagrams X X X X Find the diagrams where elements are represented Package dependency diagram wizard X X X X Use the package dependency diagram wizard to create a package diagram containing packages and show the relationships between them. Requirements decomposition X X X X Decompose requirements in the containment tree, requirement diagram or requirement table.
Requirements validation X X X X Evaluates the completeness and correctness of your models using built-in and custom validation suites. Requirements gap and coverage analysis X X X X Perform the requirement gap and coverage analysis using the diagram pane, requirement matrices and metric tables Metric table is available from MagicDraw Architect edition. Change impact analysis X X X X Use impact analysis to minimize the risk of introducing undesirable effects to the system by increasing your understanding of how the proposed change might affect the elements in the system change.
Analysis of suspect links X X X X Track changes in requirements that are linked to design elements, track unlinked requirements or deprecated requirements. Model decomposition X X X X Decompose your model to separate projects and share parts or compose your model by using parts of models stored in another project. Custom Hierarchy X X X X Organize elements in tables by choosing one of the tree-view options Containment, Structure, Custom to display elements hierarchically and see the changes in the table structure reflect the criterion you have specified.
Refactoring X X X X Convert one element type to another or replace the element with another element of the same metatype. Structured expression X X X X Use a structured expression to specify criteria for querying your model or use it as the bodyof an executable opaque behavior, metric definition or validation rule.
Any to Any and Profile Migration transformation X X Use Any to Any transformation in conjunction with a type map to search-and-replace usages of one type with another type. Drag and drop X X X X Create relationships or assign property values by dragging and dropping one element onto another right in the diagram pane. Browser Model structure management via tree-like interface X X X X The model browser provides a visual representation of the model hierarchy and system structure. Search in diagrams X X X X Search for textual information in all types of diagrams, including tables, matrices and maps.
X X X X Expand your search using wildcards. Complete Diagram Layouts X X X X Keep a perfect diagram layout by marking diagrams as complete, reusing the same layouts in other diagrams of your model and changing the orientation of symbol labels.
Navigation through the diagrams X X X X Enables navigation both backward and forward through the diagrams using web-style navigation buttons. Layout Diagram layout engine with 13 layout styles X X X X Use the diagram layout engine to automatically lay out all or selected symbols in your diagrams to save time making diagrams look good and increase readability of the diagrams.
Alignment and centering of symbols X X X X Align to the edge of the symbols or center them horizontally or vertically Spacing of selected symbols X X X X Arrange symbols equal distances from each other Resizing selected symbols to identical dimensions X X X X Resize symbols to be of the same size, height or width.
Smart shape sizing X X X X The size of the newly created shape remains the same as the size of the shape from which the path is drawn. Colors and Formatting Diagram legend X X X X Highlight important information, use visual effects such as icons, symbol transparency, or symbol background color or visualize model elements in diagrams according to the specified conditions.
Styles X X X X Copy and paste a symbol style, create a new style, apply a style or part for existing diagram elements, or an individual style for stereotyped elements. User Interface Multiple perspectives for various roles X X X X Choose a perspective to switch the graphical user interface designed for a specific role.
Diagram tabs X X X X Split diagrams in new horizontal or vertical group, turn the diagram window to floating and display diagrams in two monitors, as well as show diagrams in Full Screen.