Download scansoft pdf converter remover

Windows Password Analyser 1. Sentinel Password Generator 1. LastBit MD5. Advance Archive Password Recovery 4. LastBit SHA1. Plato Safe Password Manager v1. Advanced Random Password Generator v1. All available watermarks are listed in the lower list box.

Select the desired ones and click Add to place them in the top. Click OK to save your choices. Select an existing composite watermark to modify its contents, using the Add and Remove buttons.

Watermarks listed in the top panel contribute to the composite. A cross-page watermark appears split across two consecutive pages.

When you select this, the positioning options change. Select a binding side and a clearance from the binding side default is 0. Select Duplex to have the watermark appear on facing pages. This is the default setting. Specify filename below: Choose this method to enter a full file directory path in the PDF pathname field.

The directory will be created if necessary. If no directory path is available, the file will be stored in the Output directory under the PDF Create! Mail result only, do not save the file: Choose this method to create a PDF file and attach it to a new e-mail message.

The file will not exist elsewhere on your system. Enter the target location here. Click Cancel to terminate the operation without saving anything.

Replace existing file : The new PDF document replaces the existing file. Add trailing number to filename: The new PDF filename uses the target filename followed by a sequential number. Insert at start of existing file: The new PDF pages will be inserted at the beginning of the existing file.

Append to existing file: The new PDF pages will be inserted at the end of the existing file. Click the Overlay button to control how the overlay should be performed. Check this setting to attach your PDF file to a new e-mail message. If you do not want to save the PDF file, you should also select the Mail result only, do not save the file setting above. Select the checkmark and click Edit to specify options for PDF files you create from now on.

Click an item to modify it. Click on Yes or No to change its value. Click on Title , Subject , Author or Keywords to open an edit box.

The last item lets you add, define and delete custom document information fields. De-select the Document Settings checkmark if you want to print a PDF file using default settings instead of those specified.

This means, for instance, that the author name will be taken from your computer system. View copyright information, your serial number and access the Quick Reference Guide. Check Document Settings. If the source file was created by an imaging application, the PDF may not be editable.

Also check password protection , use the permissions password to unlock the file. If a recipient complains the file is not editable, decide whether or not to supply the permissions password. Check that overlay was not used during PDF creation. If it was used intentionally, check that the chosen files have content suitable for the overlay.

For instance: Versions up to 1. Versions up to 1. Check the compression setting. The automatic setting must be 5 or above for pictures to appear. Check compression settings. Increase the resolution settings or raise the automatic setting so that it is above Screen display can tolerate lower resolutions and higher compression, but for good-quality printing you should reduce the compression.

You may see this if you have text watermarks on the page. The line is the editing cursor for the watermark text. You must have a print-enabled application on your system that can handle the source file and that is associated with it. You can choose different page layout and magnification factors to read document pages.

In the Preferences panel under User Interface select Show Viewbar and click Apply if you want to change between small and large size buttons in the view bar. Large size buttons are available only for the most frequently used browsing commands, such as scrolling and zooming pages.

Use the layout commands in the View menu or the layout buttons to switch between three different layout modes for viewing PDF pages. Click the Single Page button on the view bar; or choose Single Page in the View menu to display one page in the Document View at a time. Click the Continuous button on the view bar; or choose Continuous in the View menu to arrange the pages in a continuous vertical column.

Click the Facing page button on the view bar; or choose Continuous-Facing in the View menu to arrange the pages side-by-side with a two-page spread display in a continuous vertical column.

If a document has more than two pages, you can decide whether to display the first page on the right by choosing Properties in the Document menu. Use the buttons on the view bar or choose menu commands under Zoom To in the View menu to resize the page view according to the Document View. You can enlarge or reduce a page to any size allowed — within the range of the minimum and maximum zoom levels. When you zoom-in to a size larger than the window, you can use the hand tool to move the page.

Click the Zoom buttons beside the magnification level box on the view bar to expand or reduce the current Document View. You may also choose a preset zoom factor or enter a desired factor directly. While one of the Zoom tools is selected, you can press the Ctrl key to switch between the Zoom-in and Zoom-out tool. Drag corners of the page-view box on the page thumbnail in the Navigation panel, to reduce or expand the view of the page.

Several palettes are included in the Navigation Panel for displaying contents outline , pages, and document info. You can switch between. Click to split the Navigation Panel to display all the palettes, or to remove the split.

Drag palette borders as desired. This palette displays miniature pages or thumbnails to give an overview of each whole page. See Arranging Pages for details. A red page view box on the current thumbnail image shows which part of the page is currently visible in Document View.

You can drag the box to move the Document View; or drag any of the four corners of the box to resize the Document View. Bookmarks show the hierarchy of a document. You can use them as a table of contents. Click a bookmark to display the associated page. Right-click in the Bookmark Palette to show the shortcut menu where you can make a new bookmark, delete or rename an existing bookmark, or change its appearance; or define actions associated with the bookmark.

In the last case the relevant panel of the Organizer will appear. You can drag selected bookmarks or a whole bookmark tree and move them to a different location level — within the same document or across different documents. To organize several related documents into one archive, you can create a new empty PDF document and drag all bookmarks of the related documents into this newly created bookmark file. You will then be able to click on the bookmarks in the file to bring up the related Document View.

When I was responding to another post I ran across your post and thought I'd respond even though it's been more than a year since you posted. The main reason this is a problem is that these program remnants block the proper installation and functioning of new version updates, similar program types, and sometimes of unrelated programs. Antiviral programs such as Norton and McAfee are notorious for leaving uninstall debris which blocks the proper install and functioning of other antiviral programs.

These error messages may send tech personnel in all kinds of directions while the real problem goes undetected. There is no question that registry cleaners can help remove this debris buildup from the registry and allow ailing computers to function properly. However, preventing this buildup in the first place is a better solution. When you want to uninstall a program permanently and before installing a new version, you should completely remove the old program from your computer.

When PDF conversion works well, it is very impressive, but things can go wrong -- particularly with large spreadsheets. Here you can edit PDF files in situ without needing to convert them first, adding text and moving graphics, for example. You can also create editable PDFs, such as forms, by first creating the form in your word processor, then converting it to PDF and finally creating fields including logical fields and pick-list-based fields.

Small businesses may find that this feature alone is reason enough to buy the software, as it eliminates paper and saves a lot of manual data entry. There are some excellent touches. Scansoft Converter Professional also places its own toolbars in Excel, PowerPoint and Word, allowing you to create PDFs directly from within these applications, as well as from any print-capable software you may run. Conclusion Scansoft Converter Professional 3 offers a strong range of features, and users who wish to tweak their PDFs for file compression, font embedding, watermarking, digital signing, password protected access and so on have the tools to do so.

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