Fallout out new vegas xbox 360 free download

Previous Next Images Overview 2. Get it here. Play it there. Learn More. All Downloads. Previous Next. Description Share this. Unpack, burn or mount 2. Install game 3. Go To Hell! By the time you get to Vegas, you find you need caps to get into the strip. Sell most of the stuff you fond along the way to Vegas. Oh, and by the time you get to Vegas you should be at least level 6. If you are lower, it doesn't matter though. Once you are in, Victor will talk to you about going to the Lucky Don't do this yet, as the quests won't earn you as much money.

Your high lucks means you can easily win in blackjack, the game I recommend you play. Bet as high as you can, caps, and you can win alot.

By the time you get banned from all of the casinos, you will have made around caps! Except it will still take awhile, and be sure to save after you win every to caps.

Follow the river going SE of hoover dam. Then on the left there is a walk way up the side of the M. Go to prim after you get a new leader get NCR them wait 3 days then kill the awol solidersthem wait three more days them the casino is up and running them you by about chips and then play a little blackjack then cash in you should have keep the chip and do it forever use all the money types.

Free Repairs Step 1. Go to tradding post Step 2. Repair your items. Step 3. Save your game. Step 4. Then keep pickpoketing chet till you get your caps back, NOTE maye take a of trys. Weapons 1. Anyway its on a BoS scriber. Tesla Beam- Crashed Vertiberd Near dead skeletons. You know rand sacked, and has wast-land monsters. Now the flair was just a name I made up its real yes but its just a gun that shoots bolts. Go to the kings hide-out. Kill the hair cut dude 4 his straight razor.

Go to nipton. Kill dead sea 4 his liberty. Go to hoover dam. Go to a small room with toxic wast. Turn left and the? Armor is in the crate. Its under a mat at 'cotton wood cove' flair is at 'vault 11 armory' very hard to find. New Vegas, between salon and new Vegas. Wild wastland perk must be on 2. There is a pic of an alien, a skull with a hat , and a WOLF with glasses. That's the wolf of good springs. Wolf of good springs- he re-spawns every real life day or so and in the game it must be at night.

Alien blaster- follow the road north of Las Vegas, then about more then a half way there go right up the mountain, turn left and go strait, there are three aliens 2 aliens 1 captain kill the captain for the blaster. The hat-follow the road south of good springs and on the left there is a frig with the hat in it. At some point in the game go to Primm and play slots when it will allow you win what ever amount you can go to cashier and trade in your cap's keep doing this and get all the cap's you want.

First you are going to have to go to hidden valley and find the brotherhoods bunker it has a tree stump on top of it. They might not let you in so easiest way of getting in is to get Veronica as a companion she's at the trading post. Accept her the first time you ask or you can't do it again then go in the bunker and talk to the elder find the missing paladins bring a lot of stimpacks when you go near the boomers.

After talk to the and talk to the scouts. Finally do the quest still in the dark and go to the vaults and get parts. You can get a rebreather which allows you to breath underwater. Also ensure that your 'shunned' or higher in your friendship with the NCR or you will be attacked on sight and will not be able to do this.

If your a higher lvl, you may want to do the cheat listed on this page involving old ben 4 infin EXP. Now, I would suggest you choose the perk as soon as you can. Next, ull want head to the mojave outpost. Along the way sumbody will reavel the outpost on your map. Go through the main gate of the outpost and turn right into the buling. When you get inside, there will be an NCR trooper bhind the desk will sum speech actions.

Do whatever actions invoke friendlyness. It will say the name of the perk next to the action. If you see the action that says, 'so are you saying you dnt wanna be friends or. Heres the annoying part. If you do have the rite amount of money, you can just go in the repair menu and click away because no matter how many items you repair you leave that menu with all them caps still jingling in your pockets.

Get an anti-material rifle with incendiary ammo and equip it. Change the ammo type toincendiary. Now the target is onfire without you gaining infamy or antagonizing anybody. This one can help you get in to vegas if you are a few caps short. Before you can do itthough you have to have collected all the whores for Mr. Garret at the atomic wranglergo talk to the robot fisto when he asks if you want his servascis say no and hell give youten caps witch ironiclly is what it takes to hire him.

There is a fridge south-west of goodsprings. S" system has been added upon, providing additional strategic abilities and precision during combat. Leveling up your character has become more robust than before, thanks to the addition of several new perks and character abilities.

Among all these gameplay changes, it is perhaps the story changes that are the most apparent. Previous Fallout games were well known for giving their players choice, and those choices ultimately affecting the outcome of the game.

This was surprisingly absent from Fallout 3, and luckily, Fallout: New Vegas brings back branching story paths in a big way. As the Courier, it's your decision on who to trust and who to keep on eye on. There are various factions around the desert area, and you'll encounter most of them as you explore. Who you choose to side with is completely up to you, but your choices have impact. Certain quests have different outcomes, some characters will treat you differently, and the game's ending will change depending on your choices.

Overall, Fallout: New Vegas makes some interesting changes, but the narrative changes are perhaps the most impressive. If you like first person shooters, RPGs, or just games that let you explore and experience the story at your own pace, then Fallout: New Vegas is right up your alley.

It expands upon the mechanics and gameplay of Fallout 3 in meaningful ways, has a twisting narrative with multiple branches, and is tons of fun to play. With the slew of new gameplay additions and a plethora of quests and stories to uncover, you'll likely spend dozens of hours in the world of Fallout: New Vegas and barely bat an eye. If surviving the nuclear apocalypse sounds fun to you, then you should definitely grab Fallout: New Vegas. Browse games Game Portals.

Fallout: New Vegas. Install Game. Click the "Install Game" button to initiate the file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game.


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